When the load consumes high current, the power supply will produce voltage drop in the connecting wire between power supply and load terminals. In order to guarantee the measurement accuracy, remote measurement terminals is installed at the rear-panel of the power supply. Users can measure the output terminals voltage of the instrument under test by these terminals.
Before performing the remote measurement function, you need to set the power supply as the remote measurement mode.
Please refer to the below diagram for the trigger terminals and measurement terminals.
-S and +S are remote measurement terminals; TRQ and TRI are trigger terminals, GND is ground terminal.
The TRQ is trigger output port under auto test mode. The TRQ is default as low voltage level. The TRQ provides +5V for external use when the trigger event happens.
As a multifunction extended port, TRI port is designed for trigger test in the list mode and auto test mode, TRI is also used to switch the ON/OFF state and used as TRI KeepOut port. The TRI is default as high voltage level of +5V. The TRI completes trigger when it change to low voltage level.